
UMzumbe showcases its tourist attractions

The small South Coast town is home to some historical and cultural landmarks, says Ncwane


Umzumbe Municipality is putting its best foot forward in beaming the spotlight on its bestselling point – tourism and in the process showcasing its jewels in rural tourism destinations for visitors both locally and internationally.  

The municipality is set to host investors and developers on Thursday to position itself as a tourism destination of choice in the South Coast Region. The aim is to showcase what the municipality has to offer within its jurisdiction.  

Some of the tourism destinations that will be dominating in Thursday’s Umzumbe Tourism Summit at Margate Hotel is Ntelezi Msane Memorial Park. The Park was named after Ntelezi Msane who was in the forefront in opposing the 1906 Bhambatha Poll Tax Uprising. 

Home to Tax revolt warrior

He and 36 leaders and as well as uMthwalume community opposed the tax imposed by the Natal Colonial Government. The tax was introduced to pay for debts incurred during the British Boer-War of 1899-1902. 

He was sentenced to death on 20 March 1906 by the British Colonial Court. However, the sentence was rescinded to 15 years of exile and hard labour on St Helena Island, where he died. 

Furthermore, uMzumbe also boasts isivivane seNkosi uShaka, a heap of stones which can be traced back to the last expedition by King Shaka that remain an evidence of what happened when he was assassinated on his return to KwaDukuza. 

UMzumbe spokesperson, Sabelo Ncwane said it is where King Shaka’s amabutho camped during 1828 wars with King Faku of AmaMpondo. The stones were gathered for each soldier of Inkosi Shaka who were ready to spill the blood of the enemy.  

Ncwane said as a municipality with limited resources and budget, they want to raise the flag through the rich history of the area. They want to also influence investors to develop it to attract local and international tourists.  

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