Things to do on Sunday to avoid stressing about Monday
Coach kids in sport, read a book, start a side hustle
Sunday afternoons can be very boring and stressful, especially if you are stuck in a job that you don’t necessarily like. For you, Sunday afternoons mean you have to face the reality that the very next day is a start of another long and annoying week that will leave you questioning your existence.
I know you are probably asking yourself how I know all of this because I am a Mastende and all I do is laze around all day and wait to collect rental from you, but let me remind you that for me to be able to become a Mastende, I had to work and save enough money to buy the house and build outside backrooms for modern day slaves just like you.
Also, I have done some research because I care that you are sane and happy enough to continue going to work so I don’t lose my rental income as well. So, I have come up with ways to help you unwind, and get to Monday not too tired nor stressed.
First thing you can do is take naps
Yes, daytime naps are good and healthy. But you have to nap, and not sleep the entire afternoon like you are trying to avoid me because you haven’t paid rent yet. Just nap for not more than an hour, you don’t want your body to get used to it because it will affect you day at work.
Spring clean your room
God knows it needs it. Spending the afternoon clearing out the clutter and sorting out your wardrobe for the entire week will give something to look forward to the following week. Who knows, you might even find that R150 you stashed in that old pair of shoes under the bed when you were drunk and forgot about it.
Join a Sunday social sports club
With this, you will not only get to have some fun, but you will also be exercising, and believe me, you need that. I’ve seen your diet and wow, I worry that one day you will even be able to get out of the house through the door because of how big you are getting. Playing sport, be it soccer, cricket or even bowls, will help you forget that you have work, or school the next day and by the time you get to be alone, prime TV will have started and before long you’ll be dozing off because you’d have tired yourself out while playing sport. Or you can help the neighbourhood kids by coaching them on some sport so that also have something to do on weekends.
Spend the afternoon at the park
Get yourself a good book from the public library, and spend the afternoon turning those pages under the trees while also listening to the soothing sounds of birds. This will not only help relax you, but it will also broaden your mind. Reading can take you to places you’ve never been to, and the best thing is you make them up in your own mind. Get Nathi Oliphants’ new book, Guns, Blades and Blood, I hear it’s a really good read. This experience will give you something new and refreshing to talk about during breaks at work rather than how many beers you imbibed or which woman you slept or almost slept with.
Start a side hustle
There is something that you are good at. Maybe you did electrical engineering but couldn’t find a job as an electrician. Use those skills and knowledge to do small scale jobs. That will give you an outlet to do what you’ve always wanted to do and also get you a few more rands in your pocket. You can wash your friends’ or neighbours’ cars or do their gardens.
It’s a win-win situation. Who knows, you might end up having to start your own business. Every big company that you see today started as someone’s passion.
These will help you keep away from going to the tavern, or club, or the car wash where you will end up drinking and waking up with a hangover on Monday which could derailing your career progress. Also, not going to these places, or even the get-togethers with friends, colleagues or family will save you some money and you will never again have to wake us up very early every Monday morning asking for a small loan for transport or lunch.