
Spring clean your relationship and enjoy a sexually fulfilling summer

By Mpho Motsie-Mabuda

It’s September and spring has sprung. We all get excited because the days start getting warmer and longer.

Trees and flowers start blooming again, and those floral dresses and shirts start coming out by the numbers.

Most people seem to become happier and are excited to spring clean their homes.

If you think making a change to your home with the change of a season is important, don’t you think spring cleaning your romantic relationship is just as important too?

Well, it is. Out with the old habits that are not good for you and your partner in your relationship, and in with the new this season.

Here are a few ways to spring clean your relationship:

 Less Technology – Go on a digital detox and spend more time talking and listening to your partner.

Set an alarm every evening where you both switch off or put your phones on silent and just stimulate each other’s minds which builds intimacy. This could definitely lead to sexual play.

 Kiss more – If you are one of those couples who kiss only when they are about to have sex or when having sex, this is the time to change that.

Start kissing often, when you wake up (morning breathe and all), when you leave for work and when you get home.

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This is a way of showing your partner love and that you still want and choose them. I am not talking about baby kisses; I am talking about passionate kisses.

 Clear out the dirt you swept under the carpet – All couples experience some sort of conflict, no one is perfect.

Unfortunately, most couples tend to ignore all their issues and sweep them under the carpet for the sake of “peace” not knowing that does not solve them.

Start talking about how to solve your issues, seek professional assistance from a Relationship Coach if need be.

 Spicier Sex – Doing the same thing over and over again, all the time will without fail get boring.

This is why as a couple you need to be open about trying new things to spice up your sex lives.

Create a bucket list and put all the things each of you would like to try out. Compile the lists, talk about them and have fun.

 Show constant appreciation – Make sure that you constantly appreciate everything your partner does for you. No matter how small or big it may be.

In a relationship, we tend to take our partners for granted and have expectations. Start being appreciative and say “thank you”.

This you do when they do the laundry, clean the house, cooking, paying the bills, helping with homework, taking out the trash, for being a great partner, etc. Everyone wants to be seen.

It’s very easy to fall into the same routines when you have been in a long relationship with a person.

This is when many couples lose their spark and that eventually creates distance. It’s time to change the season of your relationship.

Mpho Motsie-Mabuda is a Relationship, Intimacy, and Sex Coach. You can reach her on 063 680 5704

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