Gigaba’s ex-wife says she’s not bitter after her controversial arrest
The ever flamboyant Norma Mngoma is ready to move on! The former ex-minister of Home Affairs Malusi Gigaba’s ex-wife has had the charges brought against her by her former hubby withdrawn and now wants a great start.
Norma made headlines late last year when Gigaba opened criminal cases against her and Hawks wasted no time in chasing her down and licking her up. But last month the Pretoria Regional Court withdrew the charges of malicious damage to property and crimen injuria. Norma said she decided to forgive Gigaba because she needs to heal from all the drama around their turbulent marriage.

“I decided to forgive him for the sake of the kids, God and I needed to heal,” wrote Norma on her Instagram post.
Norma was expressing her feelings regarding the arrest and the trauma she went through. On the day she was detained, Norma revealed that it was freezing cold and she was detained with two other women on the same cell.
“I was thinking how I was going to sleep, here is the toilet and cold water on shower to bath in winter, I was afraid even to go and pee in front of unknown people, that was a mini hell. Around 5pm we were given brown bread slices and tea without milk. I never took it because I had a hope that proper food will follow, but that was to be our supper,” said Norma.
On her long post she further stated that she asked police officers to contact her former husband with lawyers to come with a blanket, food and socks. But a blanket and food are prohibited items. She then asked Gigaba to calm their kids and tell them she was out studying with a friend. Norma also revealed that around 11am the following day her lawyers made means to demand the Hawks to bring a docket after their cellphones were switched off. Eventually she got bail.
“I was surprised to find out that my only husband is behind my arrest. I never thought that love can turn to hate and betrayal. Even today I have more questions without answers,” Norma said.